Thursday, May 7, 2009


These two days, I have been addicted to a small online-game, "Mushroom Farm Revolution" . The idea is to put the mushroom-like guns to appropriate locations along the path where the targets emerge wave by wave. Once the gun is set, you don't need to trigger it to shoot. It will find its targets as long as they are within its shooting range. You start with the money only enough to buy two guns. You can make money out of killing the enemies. Aside from guns, you can also buy gun accessories to enhance the gun power, which are 5 color precious stones. The idea of the color stones is the same as the Chinese Wu-Xing, which means each color will weaken one kind of enemy but enhance the other. So it is curial to equip the right stone. By making different combination of the stones your gun can have different functions, such as 5% chance of instant death, 3% chance of slow the enemies, 5% chance of more bullets, and etc. So here I am, keep playing it for 2 nights and stuck at level four. And keep playing it in dreams.

One more night passed and still no break through over level4, I decide to search strategy online. The first link came up in google, its title read like this "Mushroom Farm Revolution - Free Strategy Game from AddictingGames". What do I say?

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

【文摘】 朱棣文 Steven Chu

[Time] May 11, 2009 全球100位最有影响的人物

身为科学家的一大难题,也许是学会如何在言谈中不流露出科学家样来。朱棣文就精于此道-而这点对我们所有人是好的。朱,61岁,美国新任能源部长,曾在1997年因其尖端物理研究(esoteric studies in physics)而获得过诺贝尔奖,而同时他还致力于分子层面上的生物研究。

然而,也许朱最大的影响力还是来自于能源领域。身为倡导美国终止对石油依赖的长期代言人,朱以其能力和魄力受到了总统Barack Obama的青睐。地球气候的未来依赖于我们重新思考如何使用能源,尽管他的两项优点都将同等重要,但是其魄力也许是最令人耳目一新的。

在他办公室的首次访谈中,面对Los Angeles Times,他坦诚如果我们不行动以改变气候,那么到本世纪末内华达Sierra山顶的积雪将融化,届时加州的农业将无法幸存。 对于关注此事的人这是个明摆着的事实,但是这样的事实我们却已经很久没从政府官员口中听到过了。朱棣文的魄力也许将开创一股全新的坦率之风。

Monday, May 4, 2009


跟的美剧都没有更新,发现abc的新剧castle挺好看,男主角是DH里曾和lynett有过险情的厨师,他的嘴部的表情很像bruce willies,女主角是个美丽的干探,专管凶杀案。该剧的chemical很对我胃口。顺便把大奥又看了一遍。日剧和美剧比较像的地方是不嘲笑观众的智商。但是下雨天还是不宜看日剧,简直要闷死人了。
